Q: Are Medicare Advantage and/or “Medigap” plans expensive?
A: No, we can help you choose and enroll in plans that don’t charge a monthly premium and/or have no deductibles.
Q: Are there other solutions for Medicare coverage gaps?
A: Yes, we can help expand upon your Employer, Medi-CAL, and Veteran benefits at very low or no cost.
Q: Do all Medicare plans include dental, hearing, and vision benefits?
A: Not all plans include dental, hearing and vision, but we can help you enroll in plans that do.
Q: What are Medicare premium penalties?
A: Medicare imposes future premium and healthcare penalties upon beneficiaries who go without medical or prescription drug coverage.
Q: Do any plans eliminate Medicare Part B premium payments to the government?
A: Medicare Part B premiums are owed regardless of solution selected. Some plans rebate Part B premiums as an incentive. We can help you choose and enroll in those plans.